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Autor Thema: DS needs more mid to high level support  (Gelesen 34698 mal)


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DS needs more mid to high level support
« am: 20. Februar 2014, 17:26:50 »

I love, love, love DS.  There are tons of D2Go and other adventures for levels 1-4, and even 5-8.

My group is 10-11th level and I am starting to struggle with proper opponents and really struggling to find premade adventures for mid-high level. We play weekly in my campaign and it's a lot of work to develop adventures, loot, opponents, traps suitable for mid level gaming. (Not as hard as other RPGs, mind you).

I've been doing things like - take an orc, boost his attack and defense to 24, increase the HP and XP a bit and call it a "black orc".

What are you all doing to keep it fresh and still be easy to prep?


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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #1 am: 20. Februar 2014, 18:51:57 »

Take an epic adultdragon

And the adventure is so fresch that your Players freezes ;D

Sorry for my bad english ::)
Ich mache keine Fehler ich stelle nur Minirätsel!

When the GM is away, the players will play!


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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #2 am: 20. Februar 2014, 22:25:39 »

In my opinion, high level play should be more than just cranking up the numbers on monsters, traps and loot. Of course, dialling these up to eleven IS essential, but it's not everything. Upon reaching two-digit levels, characters should already be wielding some influence in the game world. Some hero classes already point in this direction (becoming part of a holy order, for example). D&D, in the olden days at least, gave characters influence automatically - fighters got castles and retainers, wizards a tower and apprentices, etc.
Why not integrate this stuff into DS? Sure, the game would change, substantially maybe, but I don't think that's a bad thing.

On the other hand, that is all theoretical rambling on how I would do it if my campaign reached that stage...
The time has come for sorcery and swords!


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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #3 am: 21. Februar 2014, 10:53:51 »

You have to have in mind that the monsters in the Basic Rules are level 0. Trained orcish mercenaries should be around level 5 - just give them some class levels and proper equipment and the fights get really tough.

A successfull warband of orcish mercenarys could have these stats:


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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #4 am: 21. Februar 2014, 10:58:36 »

Maybe this is a theme for a SLAY?
"In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich unser Territorium halbiert, mehr als zwanzig Siedlungen sind der Verderbnis anheim gefallen, doch nun steht eine neue Generation Grenzer vor mir. Diesmal schlagen wir zurück und holen uns wieder, was unseres ist.
Schwarzauge wird büssen."
 - Wychfinder General


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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #5 am: 21. Februar 2014, 11:00:11 »

There will be new fast and easy monster boosters in Slay!02.  :)


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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #6 am: 21. Februar 2014, 20:22:45 »

There will be new fast and easy monster boosters in Slay!02.  :)

 :+1: :thumbup:



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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #7 am: 22. Februar 2014, 11:57:37 »

Those are a really great way to make monsters more dangerous. (Sphärenwanderer gave a preview here).
Leader/heroic/epic quickly lead to hit point bloat, as does simply raising the stats. That is usually not a good thing, as it can turn fights into boring slugfests pretty easily...

To really spice up high-end monsters, I think you should consider giving them special abilities that are not part of the core set, e.g. dealing a little fatigue damage on a crit, going berserk (taking damage to boost attacks), damaging auras that can somehow be deactivated,... That way, you can add more tension to a fight, because the players encounter something unexpected that they have to deal with.

The disadvantage being that calculating CR/XP for these doesn't really work.
The time has come for sorcery and swords!


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Antw:DS needs more mid to high level support
« Antwort #8 am: 08. April 2014, 20:53:33 »

I'm just pimpin' the enemies given in the rulebook (some plates / better swords / magical stuff / talents / whatever) or create some new by myself according to the players skills...
But the more they level up I try to trap them into riddles resulting to big enemies as they alrdy slayed a huge amount of filthy maggots to get their actual level  :P

The thing is, as your players reached this level, they grew; but the story as well => therefor I see neccessaties to spin on that wheel.
hack n slay for start, epic n historial for mid- and endgame.

SLAYVENTIONEN '14 / '15 / '16 / '17 / '18 / '19 / '20 / '21 / '22/ '23 / '24